TOOLBOX: Every third Saturday a month, 7:30-11:00 am. Lead and/or help with small projects or home maintenance for widows, widowers, single parents, elderly and military families. No special skills required – just willing hands! See the
EVENTS page for our next scheduled Saturday. Tasks include light housework and other small projects, both indoors and outdoors, at various homes in the area.
Questions? Contact Ashley Fink -
TOOLBOX WILL RESUME IN MAY OF 2025Needs: People for easy home maintenance tasks!
STITCHES OF LOVE: Second Saturday of each month, 9:30-11 am at New Life - Gather to knit hats, mittens, scarves and neck wraps for various non-profit community organizations. You can also knit in the evenings or at home. We'll teach you to knit on a loom which is an easier form of knitting – anyone can do it! You can also assemble cards of encouragement that go along with the knitted hats.
NOTE: WE DO NOT MEET DURING THE SUMMER. All are welcome! No registration necessary.
Questions? Contact Carol Whitman -
Needs: Anyone who wants to make hats!
GIVING TREE: In early to mid-fall, receive the name of a person or family in our community in need and provide Christmas gifts for them.
Needs: Anyone is welcome to participate!
MEAL TEAM: Would you like to provide a meal for a church family for life events like birth of a new baby, death in the family, sickness, surgery, or other time of need? We are always looking for more volunteers! For more information, contact Denise Stueven at